Coper everywhere / Cuprul invadeaza

9:02 AM

Copper is an excellent material for realising design concepts, becouse it offers endless possibilities for working. Higly malleable, ductile and durable, it has unique chromatic appeal thanks to its wide pallete. In addition to its workability, copper is inherently antimocrobial, and viruses and fungi wont settle on it. Furthermore, copper and its alloys are 100 % recyclable without loosing any of properties, making it compatible with all the requirements of modern design and eco design. From lamps, to, pots radiators, chairs, tables, bathroom ware jewelery, over the past years copper s beauty has inspired many of top designers and has added quality to the home. So what are you waithing for ? Get inspired and transform your house into a clean, modern and eco place.


 Cuprul  este un material excelent pentru realizarea concepetelor de design, pentru ca ofera nenumarate posibilitati de  aplicare. Este un material foarte maleabil, forjabil si isi mentine durabil proprietatiile. Are un farmerc cromatic unic, datorita paletei forte largi de nuante. In ceea ce priveste metoda de utilizare, cuprul in mod inerent este antimicrobian. Mai mult decat atat cuprul si aliatii sai sunt 100% reciclabili fara sa isi piarda in acest proces proprietatiile, acest lucru transforma cuprul in materialul compatibil tuturor cerintelor designului modern si ecologic. De la lampi oale, radiatoare, scaune, piese de mobilier, utilizat in baie, in bijuterii, de cativa ani incoace frumusetea cuprului si proprietaiile sale au inspirat majoritatea celebirlor designeri, si a adaugat caselor un spor al  calitatii. Ce mai astepti? Lasa-te inspirat si transforma-ti casa intr-una  curata, moderna si ecologica.


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