Rain rain walk away
12:24 PM
I woke up this morning and i noticed that it was kind of rainy,and i thought to myslef that probably i am not going to wear what i already planned,so i was thinking to share with u guys some sets that can be useful when u decide to wear ur super white trousers but ur kind of afraid not to mess them up.
So in the picture bellow i am sharing some sets bassed on white clothes for spring looks in a rainy day.
In the first picture we got a casual outfit composed with white trousers ,a large and airy top in a very spring colour and over i coverd it with a nice grey coat very cozy but not to tick ,and for the feet i decided to go with the pale pink studded snikers.
OF coursre down below u can check the other outfiths for office and nigh out.

I woke up this morning and i noticed that it was kind of rainy,and i thought to myslef that probably i am not going to wear what i already planned,so i was thinking to share with u guys some sets that can be useful when u decide to wear ur super white trousers but ur kind of afraid not to mess them up.
So in the picture bellow i am sharing some sets bassed on white clothes for spring looks in a rainy day.
In the first picture we got a casual outfit composed with white trousers ,a large and airy top in a very spring colour and over i coverd it with a nice grey coat very cozy but not to tick ,and for the feet i decided to go with the pale pink studded snikers.
OF coursre down below u can check the other outfiths for office and nigh out.