How to enhance your staircase !
1:22 PMDear readers, is once again time for a how to beautify your home, and this time i whnat to talk about a problem that all the 2 story houses has it. Yeah the staircase. Either u just moved into and old house and u have a beuatiful old design staircase or a clasic staircase, u have painted everithing in white to be clean and look new and modern but there s something about the entry way that hits a volume that remained unfinished.
Now either you go for the expensive method and and rebuff and add laquer on that old wood , it will look classy and nice, but u can go for a cheap and modern version by painthing the stairscase.
Also if u have a modern house, what other place than the staircase will give u nice oportunity to make a spectacular and a focus center conection between those 2 floor level.
Down bellow u have some ideas of where u can aplly the paint on the staircase.