ineke hans drawer table

10:23 PM

Furniture design news
Dutch designer Ineke Hans created the drawer table, in asotiation with +ARCO manucaturer.

For this projects she created the table rethinking the standard drawer-kitchen table.She modified the piece in a more practical way that will suit the current social habits. Becouse of the daily use of table in habits like eating, reading newspapaer, work or playing games,the necesity of a place where to store items like laptop, napkins between the activities has grown allot.

The drawer kitchen table has been present at the +imm cologne 2015, and the table features a thin top, who offers enough room to fit spacious compartments underneath,while still enabling a confortable sitting space.

The drowers are made from recycled felt-like material and helps the sliding in and out easily and quietly.

The piece has ben designed to be suitable for both home and working enviorement, the drawer widths coresspond to the sittin area fpr one person.

all images courtesy of ineke hans


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