3:22 PM
Researches shows that house plants are far way beyond beautifying an indoor. Studyes shows that keeping plants inside your house can increase the air quality and can bring a host of physical and mental health benefits, according to American Society of Horticultural Science. In some areas indoor can be more polluted than some outdoors areas due to compounds in paints, furnishings, clothing and building materials. In order to get rid off pollution i gave you some of the best indoor flowers that fights pollution, clean the air, fights radiation, and makes your house a pleasant space.
Cercetatorii au demonstrat ca plantele de casa sunt capabile de mai multe lucruri, ci nu doar sa infrumuseteze o incapere. Studiile arata ca plantele de interior pot imbogatii calitatea aerului din interiorul casei, si pot sa inspire si sa aduca o imbunatatire a sanatatii mentale conform Societatii Americane de Stiinte a Horticulturii. In anumite zone aerul din interiorul incaperiilor poate fii mult mai poluat decat cel exterior datorita vopselelor folosite, a mobilierului si a materialelor de constructie. Asa ca daca va doriti sa reduceti nivelul de poluare din interiorul incaperiilor, sa aveti un aer curat, sa combateti radiatiile, folositi cat mai multe plante interioare.
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Madagascar Dragon Tree The DRACAENA is most definitely one of the easiest indoor plants to grow and maintain. Dracaena Marginata trees can grow up to 6ft high indoors, and they're slow growing. |