About sunrooms in the winter
7:36 PM
Da dragii mei, iarna se apropie cu pasi repezi, si din pacate nu mai prea putem sa ne bucuram de soare fara sa nu dardaim in acelasi timp. Asa ca cea mai buna idee de caldura si confort este sa avem o camera timp sunroom.
Cel mai apropiat termen pentru sunroom in limba roamana ar fi veranda . De asemenea mai poate fi tradus sau utilizat ca terasa, solariu, sera dedicata plantelor de interior.
Cel mai apropiat termen pentru sunroom in limba roamana ar fi veranda . De asemenea mai poate fi tradus sau utilizat ca terasa, solariu, sera dedicata plantelor de interior.
Multi dintre noi poate avem deja aceasta incapere doar ca o folosim sub diferite nume si pentru diferite scopuri. In structura ei veranda/terasa/sera/ sunroom poate aparea atasata sau integrata in structura cladirii, ceea ce va permite admirarea peisajelor inconjuratoare, sau colectarea luminii solare si a caldurii, toate acestea sub protectia unei incaperi . Daca deja detii un astfel de spatiu, mai jos am pregatit cateva idei pentru inspiratie, si niste videoclipuri de pe +YouTube cu idei despre cum putem sa beneficiem de o astfel de incapere. Sper ca toate acestea sa va fie de folos, si sa va bucurati pe viitor de veranda dumneavoastra.
Yes my dears, winter is almost here, and unfortunately we no longer can stay outside and enjoy some sun without freezing at the same time. So the best idea to enjoy sun and the warmth and coziness at the same time is to have a sun room.
What is a sun room , well maybe many of us own it already but we have different names for it or we use it for different purposes.
A sun room is also known as solarium, garden room, and other variations. Is a structure, either attached or integrated into a building.
Some sun room are designed to exploit a scenic view, other to collect sunlight for warmth and light. If you already own a space like this, down bellow i have chose some ideas use them for your room. And if you do not have a already a space like this i have also put some inspirational videos, hopefully they will help you enough, and after all of this to make you enjoy your sunny room from now on.