How to style YEEZY items
4:21 PM![]() |
Courtesy Of GQ Magazine |
Yeezy clothing line is making a big fuss everywhere and some people are even going crazy about it.... I do appreciate good fashion style, and i do believe that his entire line is based on an artistic vision, is just that is difficult for me to dress like that. Maybe sometimes i want to look more classy.
. You are probably thinking i might be crazy to think that his line might look classy BUT with a bit of attention you can pull up some really nice casual classy looks.
You also might think that all the clots are very dull, but you might be surprised how good some of them might look in a more tidy up look .
Cum sa asortezi un look ingrijit folosind piesele din colectia Yeezy
Linia de imbracaminte Yezzy ( Kanye West ) face de ceva timp mare valva prin lumea modei. Eu apreciez in general diferite stiluri de imbracaminte, si de asemenea cred ca intreaga sa linie vestimentara este bazata pe o idee artistica, doar ca imi este destul de dificil sa ma imbrac in totalitate cu hainele care le promoveaza. Mi-ar placea sa arat putin mai clasic daca as putea spune asa, mai ingrijita.
Poate ma credeti nebuna daca va spun ca asemenea haine ar putea sa ma faca sa arat ingrijita, dar DA se prea poate. Am ales mai jos cateva dintre piesele pe care artistul le promoveaza, am considerat aceastea fiind cele mai simple si ingrijite.