Royal Velvet/ Catifeua regala
1:57 PMBecause of its unusual softness and appearance as well as its high cost of production, velvet has often been associated with nobility. Velvet was introduced to Baghdad during the rule of Harun al-Rashid by Kashmiri merchants .
In the Mamluk era, Cairo was the world's largest producer of velvet. Much of it was exported to Venice (from whence it spread to most of Europe), Al-Andalus and the Mali Empire. From there on the velvet is now commonly and pretty expensive everywhere. If you want to achieve a royal look for your house, than use with trust velvet everywhere you would like.
Datorita finetei si aspectului neobisnuit , dar si a costului de productie foarte ridicat, catifeaua este foarte adesea asociata cu nobilimea. Catifeaua a fost introdusa in +Baghdad de-alungul domniei lui +Harun al-Rashid de catre comerciantii de casmir. In era Mamluk, Cairo devenise primul si cel mai mare producator de catifea. Cea mai mare parte din productie era livrata Venetiei, de unde catifeaua avea sa fie raspandita in majoritatea Europei, si catre Al Andalus si imperiul Mali.
De atunci incoace catifeaua a ajuns sa fie raspandita si cunoscuta peste tot datorita pretului ei forte mare.
Deci daca iti doresti sa obtii un look regesc pentru casa ta, foloseste cu incredere catifeaua sub orice forma.
+The Interior Gallery
If you already have an old velvet chair, here is how you can bring it back to life without reapholster it!
Daca deja deti un fotoliu de catifea, in videoul de mai jos poti afla cum sa il re-aduci la viata fara sa il retapitezi ! +Annie Sloan Chalk Paint® dealer