
Stoves and fireplaces

12:42 PM

  For sure all of us we have seen a stove or a fireplace, maybe in an old design or even a new modern one. Me personally i still use something like this, and even tho is a bit messy , it gives a diffrent tipe of heat and coziness in the house, and the smell of wood in the winter heating up the room in the morning is the most nicest thing.
  Of course i do  sound anti environmentalist, but even tho before when people where using only wood as heating source the air was not so polluted, and also the indoor air was not so dry . Anyhow you decide to warm your house you can still do it in a fireplace, either is using wood or electricity or gas. Use the one convenient for you . Now check and see all this nice assets around a fireplace. Let them inspire you and heat up your house and heart. 


  Desigur fiecare am avut de a face cu un cuptor, teracota, semineu, soba, poate ca nu am avut de a face cu modelele mai vechi ci mai degraba cu cele mai moderne. Eu personal inca mai detin un astfel de sistem de incalzire , si chiar daca face foarte multa mizerie , caldura degajata este una diferita, are un parfum aparte de lemn si un aer placut ce te incalzeste, cel mai placut lucru in diminetiile friguroase.
  Da, ce spun suna foarte anti eco, doar ca oamenii au folosit din strabuni incalzirea pe lemne( asta cand erau suficiente paduri) si aerul nu era asa de poluat, pana si aerul din incaperi era mai putin uscat. Oricum ar fi sa decizi sa iti incalzesti casa, o poti face  folosind un cuptor sau un semineu fie el pe gaz, lemne curent, etc. Foloseste ce e mai convenient pentru tine. Pana te decizi arunca o privire peste cateva idei faine despre cum poti integra un seminu in casa, si in acelasi timp sa arate foarte bine. Lasa ca else sa te inspire si  sa i-ti umple casa si inima de caldura. 

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