

11:42 AM

This days design world went madness over the release of the  pantone colour of the year. Surprise! Surprise! This year we received not one but two gorgeous colours together. The message behind them is simple peace and serenity.

Zilele acestea lumea designului a luat-o razna( intr-o forma buna) in ceea ce priveste culoarea Pantone a anului. Surprize surprize, anul aceasta nu ne-a fot dezvaluita doar o singura culoare cum era de obisnuit, ci doua culori, in spatele carora sta povestea unui mesaj de pace si serenitate, iar cele mai expresive culori in acest sens sunt rozul cuart si Serenity ( un ablastru senin).

Pantone Color Institute has unveiled its annual trend forecast for interiors for the coming year. Of course the trends are not going to be inspired only by these two colors, so we are expecting a large variety of shades inspired by the message of this years colors.
Institutul De Culoare Pantone a lansat deja prognoza in ceea ce priveste trendurile pentru interior pentru anul 2016. Evident trendurile nu se v-or opri doar la aceste doua culori , ci la o gama mult mai larga inspirata DE mesajul din spatele acestor doua culori.
Natural Forms: Shades that are plumbed from natural sources such as warm rosy clay and sheepskin beige.
Formele naturale: nuante care provin din surse naturale cum ar fi argila roz si un bej-gri.

Dichotomy: Opposites do and can attract as silver metallic, sunny yellow and bright cobalt blue combine with calmer versions of the hues. 
Diviziune: opusurile se atrag , vorbim aici de argintiul metalizat, galbenul insorit si nuante deschise de albastru cobalt cu diverse nuante mai calme.

Ephemera: Pastel-focused, the palette blends delicate shades of wan blue, pale peach and tender yellow.
Efemer: nuantele se concetreaza pe cele de pastel, amestecuri de nuante delicate cum ar fi albastru wan,  nuante pale de piersica si un galben pal.
Lineage: A palette where shades of navy, black, tan and regimental green co-mingle with touches of brighter colors.
Descendenta: o paleta cu nuante de bleumarin, negru, verde regimental, se amesteca cu atingeri de nunate luminoase.

Soft Focus: Reveals subtle and/or muted colors, sometimes “smoky” – always versatile.

Concentrare subtila : dezvaluie nuante mute sau subtile, fumurii si foarte versatile.

Merriment: A range of joyful shades, including vibrant greens and yellows contrasted with pinks and oranges.
Veselie: o gama de nuante vesele, ce includ un verde vibrant, galben contrastant cu nuante de roz si portocaliu.
Bijoux: A palette full of drama and intensity across many jewel tones
Bijoux se reprezinta printr-o paleta plina de drama si intensitate cu multe tonuri de bijuterii.

Mixed Bag: An assortment of eclectic patterns and prints with exciting and unique colors like pirate black and mandarin red as well as violet and florid orange.
Saculetul cu de toate : se reprezinta printr-un asortare de printuri eclectice cu culori unice precum: negru pirat, rosul madarina, la fel si nuante de violet si portocaliu.

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