Small kitchen ideas / Idei pentru bucatarii micute

3:11 PM

For all of you , who at the moment are living in a small apartment, or studio, no need to complain anymore about the small and old kitchen. If you are living single or couple, but not having a holl family to cook for, than do not lose your hope, a small kitchen is all you need for a healthy plate in your own intimacy.

In redesigning your small kitchen, you need  first of all to gather around all the appliances you will need. Place them together in an organized electrical devices cupboard. Everything will be in one place, right where you need it and covered by some nice cupboard doors.

If you are not cooking for many, your stove does nit need to be the biggest. You can go for the Electric Fan Oven And Ceramic Hob Pack , is simple easy to maintain, and space reducing.

Now for the fridge, if you like too cook allot at home, u will need a big place for storage if you wont have time for daily groceries.

 A good sink, a good trashcan for kitchen, will do the job. Now again back to your furniture, do not forget where to place your pots, do or keep so many, keep the essentials, and than another drawer for your dry vegetables, and pantry. 

This should do the job.

Now back to design, make sure u got a good spalshback next to your sink and stove, you don't want messy walls. The furniture colour should be whatever your taste  it is as long as it wont make the kitchen look darker and smaller. 

If you know you wont be cleaning any shelves weakly, than go for a full hidden shelves, the dusty ones wont do you any favour at all.
Now the biggest piece you want to invest, is the kitchen exhaust  hood, your really need it, from taking ot the steam, the smoke, to the taking out the smell. A small kitchen is just reduce in size not in its purpose.

 Pentru toti aceeia care in momentul de fata locuiti intr-un apartament mic, sau o garsoniera, uitati toate plangerile in ceea ce priveste bucatariile neincapatoare  si neingrijite.

Atunci cand amenajezi o bucatarie mica, trebuie sa iti aduci toate aparatele electrocasnice intr-un singur dulap dotat cu prize, astfel toate cablurile si aparatele for fi la un loc, neimprastiate si ascunse de vazul lumii.

Daca nu gatesti pentru multi, achizitioneazato o plita electrica de mici dimensiuni. Suprafata ei plata, va creea mai mult spatiu si ordine. Plus ca se curata mult mai repede.

 Problema frigiderului se imparte in doua : esti o persoana care gateste acasa si nu ai timp de cumparaturi zilnice? atunci opteaza pentru un frigider mai spatios, daca gatesti foarte rar , un minifrigider iti va fi de ajuns.

In rest o chiuveta micuta dar poate mai adanca ( dupa ideea daca nu incape pe orizontal incearca pe verticala) . De altfel nu uita lasa un dulap si pentru cateva oale si tigai, iar apoi poate unul pentru o minidebara ( nimeni nu vrea sa vada saculetii de ceapa si cartofi pe langa dulapuri).

Cam asta ar fi despre organizarea spatiului.

In ceea ce priveste designul, poti incepe prin aplicarea unui material  de protectie ( plastic, faianta, metal, vopsea cauciucata),in zona chiuvetei si a aragazului ( faciliteaza procesul de curatare), de altfel si un mic covoras in acesta zona.

Daca te stii ca o persoana care sterge praful destul de rar, nu opta pentru rafturi la vedere, o bucatarie prafuita spune multe ....

Ultimul si poate cel mai important lucrul este sa investesti intr-o hota foarte buna, care te va ajuta sa inlaturi aburul, fumul si mirosul din bucatarie. 
O bucatarie mica trebuie sa fie redusa doar in spatiu nu si in scopul ei .


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