8:46 PM

For creating this wedding table design i let my mind and soul open ,and i whanted to share with u my ideas about how i see a wedding.
For me beeing in a room full of white everywhere it makes me feel kind of strange and in a lost space with no atraction, even the bride dress will fade away in to much white, and also wedding is suppose to be fun, enjoyng,and what else makes u feel  more alive than the colours?

Pentru a crea acest aranjament al mesei  de nunta,mi-am lasat mintea si sufletul liber,si vreau sa impart cu voi ideiile mele despre cum vad eu o nunta.
Pentru mine a fi intr-o  incapere plina de alb peste tot, ma face sa ma simt ciudat si intr-un spatiu pierdut (mort), pana si rochia miresei  pare foarte pala si fara splendoare,iar nuntiile trebuie sa fie ceva placut ,pline de bucurie,de viata, si ce altceva ne face mai vioi decat culorile?WEDDING TABLE 2

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